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Inventory Accounting

Inventory is reported under Current Assets in the financial statements.  A business can sell products and/or services.  If a business sells a product, it needs to account for its inventories.

Types of Inventories

A Merchandising or Trading Company - buys finished goods and sell them as is. 

A Manufacturing Company - produces its products and then sells them.  Here inventory is further classified as Raw Materials, Work in Progress and Finished Goods.

Two Types of Inventory System

1. Periodic Inventory System- inventories are physically counted and only updated periodically

2. Perpetual Inventory System- - keeps track of inventory balances  whenever there is movement in inventory (sales and purchases)

Periodic vs Perpetual  



 We debit "Purchases" account to record purchase of inventories.  

 We directly debit "Inventories" account for inventory purchases.           

Cost of Sales is computed on a periodic basis.

Cost of Sales =Beginning Inventory + Purchases - Ending Inventory

The formula for Cost of Sales is not needed under Perpetual system. Instead, each sale will require two journal entries (1) to record sales (2) to record Cost of Sales. 
 We debit “Cost of Sales” account whenever a sale is recorded.


Journal Entries - 
To illustrate, here are the basic differences of periodic vs perpetual when creating journal entries. (1) On purchase of inventory (2) On making a sale. 

4 Inventory Costing Methods 

Inventories are purchased at different prices, we therefore need to determine our valuation method or costing method for inventories.

FIFO or First-In, First-Out
LIFO or Last-In, First-Out
Specific Identification
Weighted Average Cost.