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Accounting Standards


There are two known accounting standards that are being used when it comes to financial reporting.

GAAP - Generally Accepted Accounting Principles

- GAAP are commonly-followed accounting rules and standards for financial reporting.

- The standards are prepared by the (FASB) Financial Accounting Standards Board

- In the U.S., GAAP is mandatory for publicly traded and regulated companies.

IFRS - International Financial Reporting Standards

- The standards are promulgated by the (IASB) The International Accounting Standards Board

- About 120 nations and reporting jurisdictions permit or require IFRS for domestic listed companies



-        Primary difference is that GAAP is rules-based and IFRS is principles-based.

-        Found this helpful article that sites the key difference in these two accounting standards.

Though, these standards might look complicated for many (even to accountants), always remember that they were created mostly using the accounting principles as foundation.  

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